Best quotes by Carli Lloyd on Time

Checkout quotes by Carli Lloyd on Time

  • I really hate drama. It's draining; it's mentally draining. It's a waste of time.
    - Carli Lloyd
  • This is my journey. If I fall, I have to pick myself up. If I'm not getting the playing time I want, it's up to me to figure out why.
    - Carli Lloyd
  • Every time I step onto the field, whether people like it or not, I'm not trying to play dirty - I'm just playing tough.
    - Carli Lloyd
  • In men's sports, people criticize coaches and managers all the time, call out teammates, too, and it's not that huge of a deal. Often, the guy speaking out is even lauded for having the courage to tell the truth. When it happens in women's sports, though, it always seems to be viewed as a nasty, claws-out cat fight.
    - Carli Lloyd
  • Nobody has done more for me than my parents, who devoted untold amounts of time and money that allowed me to play the game I love. It's no exaggeration to say I never would have gotten anywhere near a World Cup, an Olympics, or even the U.S. national team without them. I have never forgotten that, and I never will.
    - Carli Lloyd
  • You don't want to get too wrapped up in that final destination. You want to enjoy the journey, enjoy the process, and just take it one step at a time.
    - Carli Lloyd