Best quotes by Steve Hilton on America

Checkout quotes by Steve Hilton on America

  • The people who typically tell the story of what's going on in America are from the booming parts of America. The presentation of issues is colored by that.
    - Steve Hilton
  • In America, economic, cultural and political power is dispersed. In the U.K., centralisation is a gift to the vested interests.
    - Steve Hilton
  • You can do business with America or the authoritarian dictators of Beijing, who oppress their own people, put millions of Muslims in concentration camps, and are rolling out a new and insidious colonialism around the world with their rapacious belt and road infrastructure program. Which side are you on, Britain? Canada? The EU? You choose.
    - Steve Hilton
  • Forget about war or disease or poverty. The apocalypse is when America's elected president is no longer supervised by the unelected ruling establishment.
    - Steve Hilton
  • The Committee to Save America. Have you ever heard anything more smug, more pompous but - most importantly - more anti-democratic? Because it turns out that the Committee to Save America was really the Committee to Save the American Establishment.
    - Steve Hilton
  • For years we've had leaders who promised to end America's costly wars, only to cave in to the establishment view.
    - Steve Hilton