Best quotes by Bryan Cogman on Me

Checkout quotes by Bryan Cogman on Me

  • I hate when the major event of a show I watch is spoiled for me. And I'm wracked with guilt when/if I spoil something for someone else.
    - Bryan Cogman
  • I don't think of the characters as being good or bad because that doesn't help me as a writer.
    - Bryan Cogman
  • As far as engaging with fans... it's a tricky thing. I enjoy seeing the feedback on Twitter, etc. It's probably the actor in me.
    - Bryan Cogman
  • I come from the theater, where the response to your work is immediate, and I suppose there's a part of me that still craves that.
    - Bryan Cogman
  • The pressure used to wear on me. I was on Twitter a couple years ago, and I couldn't handle it all that well. Don't get me wrong, because 90% of the feedback you get is fantastic.
    - Bryan Cogman