Best quotes by Bruce Rauner on People

Checkout quotes by Bruce Rauner on People

  • I'm not the most patient person in the world. I am one of the most persistent people in the world.
    - Bruce Rauner
  • For many young people, the minimum wage is a stepping stone to higher employment levels.
    - Bruce Rauner
  • Your average person in Illinois doesn't really even know what workers' comp is. The average person doesn't know really what's going on in the pension system. They know their taxes are too high; they know we've got a deficit. But getting that message out and helping the people of Illinois really understand what's going on, that's hard.
    - Bruce Rauner
  • Illinois has every reason to succeed. We have the hardest-working people in America, the best infrastructure in America, and the best location of any state.
    - Bruce Rauner
  • The people of Illinois sent me to Springfield to end the era of unbalanced budgets and runaway debt.
    - Bruce Rauner