Best quotes by Adam Mansbach on People

Checkout quotes by Adam Mansbach on People

  • Graffiti writers were the most interesting people in hip hop. They were the mad scientists, the mad geniuses, the weird ones.
    - Adam Mansbach
  • I think there's a lot of anxiety about being seen as a bad parent. There's still a lot of subjects that I think people aren't entirely comfortable being honest about.
    - Adam Mansbach
  • I like to write in coffee shops in countries in which languages I do not speak are spoken. That way, you're surrounded by the buzz of humanity, but you aren't distracted by people's conversations.
    - Adam Mansbach
  • One of the pleasures of getting older and making a living the way you want to is that your social circle becomes rarified, and the people who enter have been vetted.
    - Adam Mansbach
  • Ultimately, very few people parent their kids in ways that strike anybody else as reasoned, appropriate or sane.
    - Adam Mansbach
  • Sleeping is one of the more private aspects of parenting; it happens in a quiet room, whereas eating is a more public aspect of parenting. Other people can see it and compare it to what their kids eat.
    - Adam Mansbach