Best quotes by Brett Ratner on Movies

Checkout quotes by Brett Ratner on Movies

  • Before I did 'Rush Hour,' I was a big fan of Jackie Chan movies and I had seen all of them.
    - Brett Ratner
  • Woody Allen is in his '70s and he's making movies, so I look forward to getting there.
    - Brett Ratner
  • Movies are the biggest export in the world, the biggest American export. It influences people all over the world.
    - Brett Ratner
  • At the end of the day, audiences just want to laugh and be entertained. They want to escape from their reality, and that's why we make movies, to get people to escape from the realities.
    - Brett Ratner
  • People can criticise all day long, I think I've proven myself, I think I deliver. And I agree, box office does not mean a movie's good, but I feel like I'm making good movies and I'm delivering in box office.
    - Brett Ratner