Best quotes by Andrew Yang on Time

Checkout quotes by Andrew Yang on Time

  • FOMO (fear of missing out) is the enemy of valuing your own time.
    - Andrew Yang
  • Organizations relying upon young, idealistic, and mission-driven people to work at below-market compensation over the long-term will burn them out and find the best people leaving over time.
    - Andrew Yang
  • I meet young people all the time who say something like, 'I want to work in venture capital.' And I can see why. Who wouldn't want to be smart, well-paid, dispense large sums of money, and tell people what to do?
    - Andrew Yang
  • When I was first thinking about what would become Venture for America, I was trying to figure out how to solve a problem - that our top young people were being driven to roles that did not, to me, address the needs of our time. That VFA would be a non-profit just seemed like the most efficient way to solve the problem.
    - Andrew Yang
  • I have started or run several companies and spent time with dozens of entrepreneurs over the years. Virtually none of them, in my experience, made meaningful personnel or resource-allocation decisions based on incentives or policies.
    - Andrew Yang
  • A company can set off in one direction, figures out that it's not the right way to go, and then go in an entirely new direction. Over time, the product or service improves, and the company gets better at executing and delivering.
    - Andrew Yang
  • The monetary market is going to value people's time less and less as time goes on, so you need another way to structure their day that rewards them.
    - Andrew Yang
  • In my experience, entrepreneurship tends to be kind of cumulative, like a layer cake. Taking some time away can make it hard to rev up.
    - Andrew Yang