Best quotes by Joe R. Lansdale on People

Checkout quotes by Joe R. Lansdale on People

  • People who grew up on my books are now able to get the point across to others that they're worth reading.
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • I think there are some people for whom words are like food.
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • Some people see writing as a white-collar career, but I've always approached it as a blue-collar writer.
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • I don't want people reading my books just because they're horror or mysteries. I want them to read them because they're Joe Lansdale books.
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • The simple fact is, the more people who buy your books, the more are likely to read you. That's what I'd like to see happen.
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • Twain is my keystone. He reminds me of my people because that's the way they told stories.
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • I really hate racism because I saw people denied possibilities.
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • Texas is so wrapped up in myth and legend, it's hard to know what the state and its people are really about. Real Texans, raised on these myths and legends, sometimes become legends themselves.
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • The bottom line is, Texas and its people are pretty much what most people mean when they use the broader term 'America.'
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • People in my town were not that into reading, but the overblown way Texans told stories was important.
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • I've got friends who totally disagree on politics, religion, cultural things, but at the core, we're the same people.
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • I always disliked that anytime you had gays represented in - and there were some exceptions, certainly - but represented in popular fiction, they were usually the goofy neighbor next door, you know? And I just thought, 'Well, I know a lot of gay people, and they're just as varied as the heterosexual people I know.'
    - Joe R. Lansdale
  • I never felt poor. Our family euphemism was that we were broke, which I think psychologically gave you a different feeling. There were people far worse than we were.
    - Joe R. Lansdale