Best quotes by Bipasha Basu on Me

Checkout quotes by Bipasha Basu on Me

  • Whenever I get married, it will be a Bengali wedding. If I won't have a Bengali wedding, my mother won't come. She has warned me. So, I am going to have a Bengali wedding for sure.
    - Bipasha Basu
  • I'm active even on bad days; it's tough to pin me down. People ask me if I'm a morning or night person. I'm an all-the-time person. I like drinking coffee, but I do it with lots of milk because my energy levels are high even without caffeine. You could call me Obelix, except I don't have a belly.
    - Bipasha Basu
  • I was a lady gunda in school. Everyone was scared of me, and I was really short and round.
    - Bipasha Basu
  • I am very proud of my role in 'Singularity.' It pushed me into the territory of period romance. It was a very emotional and challenging role.
    - Bipasha Basu
  • For me, modelling has been an advantage because if I hadn't been modelling, I would never have been spotted as an actress. I didn't have any intention of becoming an actress.
    - Bipasha Basu
  • It was Vikram Bhatt and 'Raaz' that got me interested in the medium of cinema. Before that, I was like any other youngster dabbling with various things - modelling, films - without a definite direction or focus. Now that I'm working with all of them, life has come full circle for me.
    - Bipasha Basu
  • I do a film if it interests me, has a connect with the audience and some entertainment value. The rest doesn't matter.
    - Bipasha Basu
  • I have done some tacky films, but then they were all my decisions, and I'm happy to have made those because they have made me who I am.
    - Bipasha Basu
  • As a child, I was a brat, and my parents didn't know how to control me. So they told me ghost stories, which stayed with me. I am still petrified of darkness and being alone.
    - Bipasha Basu
  • I actually wanted to be a doctor. But doing all those horrid rat dissections made me faint. I studied science till the 12th standard and later took up commerce. I was planning to do chartered accountancy, but fate had something else in store for me.
    - Bipasha Basu