Best quotes by Beth Moore on God

Checkout quotes by Beth Moore on God

  • God's good. He can just pull a life out of a pit, can't He?
    - Beth Moore
  • We've got to know the Word of God. That is our absolute stability. That is our offensive weapon against the kingdom of darkness.
    - Beth Moore
  • God wants us to believe Him to be huge, even if we don't know what to believe Him for in a particular situation and circumstance. I can believe God to be God, to come and show Himself mighty and merciful in that situation, even if I don't really know biblically what I'm to ask Him for.
    - Beth Moore
  • What I thought as a young adult is you act like you have it together whether or not you do because that is what church people do. That is not what God has called us to do.
    - Beth Moore
  • As God took me through the journey that became the Bible study 'Breaking Free', He taught me to look for a common denominator among the things that triggered my destructive habits.
    - Beth Moore
  • The Word of God is so much broader than people are giving it credit for. Look at Proverbs, a book written on how to live.
    - Beth Moore
  • When someone does not want what God has to offer, He is not going to force it on them.
    - Beth Moore
  • As an 18-year-old, I really sensed the call of God. What was interesting about that time was, I come from a very conservative part of the body of Christ, so there was really nothing for a woman to do.
    - Beth Moore