Best quotes by Benedict Cumberbatch on People

Checkout quotes by Benedict Cumberbatch on People

  • If you have an over-preoccupation with perception and trying to please people's expectations, then you can go mad.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • Fame is a weird one. You need to distance yourself from it. People see a value in you that you don't see yourself.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • It does get strange when you realize people will hang around for hours to get a glimpse of you doing scenes outside.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • I'm quite sensitive to people noticing me. There are times when I'm relaxed, then others when it does make me self-conscious.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • If people ask, 'Are you Sherlock Holmes?', it's horribly naff, but I say, 'I'm not, I just look a bit like him' - which is how I feel. There are bad attributes of his that I really don't share!
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • I love doing impersonations of people.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch
  • The number of people my age, younger now, a whole generation younger, who are fiercely bright, over-educated, under-employed and who are politicised and purposeless really upsets me. It's soul-destroying.
    - Benedict Cumberbatch