Best quotes by Ben Stokes on People

Checkout quotes by Ben Stokes on People

  • I am extremely nervous before anything. People who say they aren't nervous are telling a white lie. Nerves get you going, as you are playing for so much at the highest level.
    - Ben Stokes
  • You are never the complete article but the feeling you get when people come up to you and say 'thank you for the great summer' and inspiring children is such a great feeling.
    - Ben Stokes
  • Just being in the whole environment around the IPL, around the people that you ge to play with and against means it's going to be really, really good.
    - Ben Stokes
  • Most people acquire a softer side with age and sometimes with dad that has been quite weird to see.
    - Ben Stokes
  • I've had so many people say stuff to me. I meet them, have a chat for five minutes and they think they can say what they like. I used to laugh it off, but now I think 'why do you think you can say that to me? You don't know me.'
    - Ben Stokes
  • It's all good being there for people when things are going well and smoothly but what really comes through is how you operate with someone when they need you the most.
    - Ben Stokes