Best quotes by Emile Durkheim on Men

Checkout quotes by Emile Durkheim on Men

  • There are two types of men: the great and the small.
    - Emile Durkheim
  • Men have been obliged to make for themselves a notion of what religion is, long before the science of religions started its methodical comparisons.
    - Emile Durkheim
  • It is science, and not religion, which has taught men that things are complex and difficult to understand.
    - Emile Durkheim
  • It is inadmissible that systems of ideas like religions, which have held so considerable a place in history, and to which, in all times, men have come to receive the energy which they must have to live, should be made up of a tissue of illusions.
    - Emile Durkheim
  • That men have an interest in knowing the world which surrounds them, and consequently that their reflection should have been applied to it at an early date, is something that everyone will readily admit.
    - Emile Durkheim