Best quotes by Banks on Music

Checkout quotes by Banks on Music

  • There's no separation between electronic music and acoustic music. It's all one thing. Each song has its own heartbeat. Each song has its own soul.
    - Banks
  • I always say my music is like dark blue or black, like a punch to your gut that feels really good.
    - Banks
  • Music is almost like a therapy for me. It helps keep me centered and think straight. Before I discovered it, I was walking around, and it felt like there were 25 extra pounds of gravity on my shoulders. It's like you're mute or something.
    - Banks
  • It's a big theme throughout my music to just embrace everything about your own mind and to always feel powerful. It's not just a feminine thing, but for men, too, whether they feel weak, or strong or crazy or reclusive. I want everyone to feel powerful no matter what little beasts they have in their head.
    - Banks
  • I found music when I was very dark. I felt unheard, with inner dialogues that I didn't know how to express.
    - Banks
  • My music is inspired by my life: the people in my life, the people I have relationships with, the people I love, the people that make me feel something.
    - Banks
  • I have a memory of listening to Tracy Chapman and just being intrigued by her voice. Even as a young girl, I wanted to know more about her and her story. I felt I was learning about her through her music. That was a revelation to me.
    - Banks
  • I got a psychology degree from USC, but music is just my whole life.
    - Banks
  • Growing up, I listened to a lot of everything - I fell in love with music, when I discovered people like Lauryn Hill and Tracy Chapman, people whose voices I could really feel, people with a lot of soul. That's what I'm drawn to as a musician: Anybody that has their own voice and their own point of view.
    - Banks
  • It's a big thing in my music to highlight being human - being emotional and powerful, like a goddess.
    - Banks
  • Once I discovered how important writing music was to me and just what a huge weight it lifted off of me, I knew that it was going to be the biggest part of my life, the biggest love of my life, the biggest thing in my life.
    - Banks
  • Fashion is a huge part of music and of who you are. It really sets the mood for a show, and it's fun to play around with it. You can get really creative in photo shoots as well. You know, just having fun with it.
    - Banks
  • I got into writing music when I was, like, 14 or 15. It was a very private thing for me because I used it as an outlet and emotional release. I kept it very close to myself and didn't tell too many people about it.
    - Banks
  • I love fashion. I like dressing how I feel, and my music shows how I feel - they go hand in hand. My performance style is pretty much the same as my everyday style.
    - Banks
  • My music is the most 'me' thing about me. Everything is in my music.
    - Banks
  • If you meet me, you might not get to know me. If you hear my music? You'll get to know me.
    - Banks
  • Me in my music and onstage - that's me without any fears of judgement; that's me when I'm shining.
    - Banks