Best quotes by Awkwafina on Music

Checkout quotes by Awkwafina on Music

  • When I went to college, it became more of a hobby, and that's when I think I got the realest music education. It wasn't something that I had to do. It wasn't an obligation.
    - Awkwafina
  • I think people always want to hear that there are barriers that exist for us. But the more I started to realize artists that are kind of like me in my lane, like, if they were white or African-American, they often had trouble because it wasn't the quality of their music: they just didn't stick out.
    - Awkwafina
  • I was working a corporate job, but I really wanted to do music.
    - Awkwafina
  • I'm not trying to unite Asian people with my music.
    - Awkwafina
  • More than anything, I'm an American kid, and my music reflects that more so than being an Asian-American. I think it's important but also something that can detrimental to your career if celebrated too much.
    - Awkwafina