Best quotes by Athol Fugard on Me

Checkout quotes by Athol Fugard on Me

  • I can't think of a single one of my plays that does not represent a coincidence between an external and an internal event. Something outside of me, outside even my own life, something I read in a newspaper or witness on the street, something I see or hear, fascinates me. I see it for its dramatic potential.
    - Athol Fugard
  • How thin and insecure is that little beach of white sand we call consciousness. I've always known that in my writing it is the dark troubled sea of which I know nothing, save its presence, that carried me. I've always felt that creating was a fearless and a timid, a despairing and hopeful, launching out into that unknown.
    - Athol Fugard
  • 'Master Harold' is about me as a little boy, and my father, who was an alcoholic. There's a thread running down the Fugard line of alcoholism. Thankfully I haven't passed it on to my child, a wonderful daughter who's stone-cold sober. But I had the tendency from my father, just as he had had it from his father.
    - Athol Fugard
  • A very close friend of mine keeps reminding me that since about the age of 50, I've been saying, 'I'm finished. I haven't got another one in me.' But somehow you do.
    - Athol Fugard
  • The act of witnessing is important to me; somebody's got to tell the truth, you know what I mean?
    - Athol Fugard
  • I've had one experience of writer's block in my life, and it was living hell. It was a terror for me.
    - Athol Fugard