Best quotes by Arthur Laffer on Money

Checkout quotes by Arthur Laffer on Money

  • Sound money is the sine qua non of a prosperous society.
    - Arthur Laffer
  • With the shrinking of the US economy, and it's shrinking very rapidly, you not only have more money, but you also have fewer goods. That's a classic double-whammy on inflation.
    - Arthur Laffer
  • What we're talking about is the price of goods, all goods, in terms of money. That has nothing to do with unemployment, except for the fact that you get fewer goods. And when you have more money and fewer goods, the amount of dollars per good goes up. It goes up because there are fewer goods and it goes up because there is more money.
    - Arthur Laffer
  • The truth of the matter of is that stimulus money not only doesn't stimulate; it actually reduces output.
    - Arthur Laffer
  • And you can't have a prosperous economy when the government is way overspending, raising tax rates, printing too much money, over regulating and restricting free trade. It just can't be done.
    - Arthur Laffer
  • When you look at the government, when the government collects a buck, it's not free. They have to spend resources, the IRS, audits, all this sort of crap, to collect the dollar. I'm not assuming any Laffer curve effect here at all. There are just transactions costs of collecting that money.
    - Arthur Laffer