Best quotes by Arfi Lamba on Me

Checkout quotes by Arfi Lamba on Me

  • As I look back and connect the dots, all I want to do is go back and hug my scared young self, who took a lot of steps out of impulse not knowing what will happen. So many nights of disappointment, so many others of being disillusioned where I would have just gone ahead and quit it all - I still do not know what kept me hanging in there.
    - Arfi Lamba
  • My role in 'Slumdog Millionaire' was a cameo, but it did expose me to cinema and took me to Cannes. I then did 'Prague,' which was a very niche film.
    - Arfi Lamba
  • I had travelled to a lot of cities in Europe before, but Prague was special. It held a mysterious attraction for me for during the time I was there.
    - Arfi Lamba
  • The actor in me can never die. It's my first love and first dream. That's what keep me going.
    - Arfi Lamba
  • I was very shy as a kid, but films fascinated me a lot. I think every North Indian kid wants to grow up to become an actor at some point. I hail from a small village in Punjab.
    - Arfi Lamba