Best quotes by Mitchell Baker on People

Checkout quotes by Mitchell Baker on People

  • Money tends to make people suspicious, if there's any money floating around.
    - Mitchell Baker
  • When people think of Mozilla, they generally think of the browser, but Mozilla is really much more than that. Mozilla is of interest to people who want an end-user application like our browser that's not tied directly into the Windows platform.
    - Mitchell Baker
  • We've broken the code base into logical chunks, called modules, and the foundation staff delegate authority for the modules to people with the most expertise.
    - Mitchell Baker
  • The organization is a way for people to find us and deal with us and know how we operate.
    - Mitchell Baker
  • Many people think that open source projects are sort of chaotic and and anarchistic. They think that developers randomly throw code at the code base and see what sticks.
    - Mitchell Baker
  • Some people are really drawn to technology and I liken them to artists.
    - Mitchell Baker
  • We actually have a real community of people doing useful things.
    - Mitchell Baker
  • We have a very active testing community which people don't often think about when you have open source.
    - Mitchell Baker
  • Of course, it's hard to support full-time programmers, so we do get funds from a set of companies that are interested in the health of the Mozilla project and so are willing to support the people working for the Foundation as well.
    - Mitchell Baker
  • I'm a good communicator, and I'm a good translator. I can talk to engineers; I can talk to people for whom technology is not remotely interesting or even maybe scary - things like that.
    - Mitchell Baker
  • I've learned that for many people, change is uncomfortable. Maybe they want to go through it, and they can see the benefit of it, but at a gut level, change is uncomfortable.
    - Mitchell Baker
  • People are more naturally protective of what they create than of what they consume.
    - Mitchell Baker