Best quotes by Anna Paquin on Work

Checkout quotes by Anna Paquin on Work

  • Sookie is about as radically different from me and a lot of the work I've previously done as you could possibly come up with.
    - Anna Paquin
  • I don't know when acting came to be more about awards than about the work. Judging who's better than the other person shouldn't be part of why we're doing this job. It should be about entertaining people.
    - Anna Paquin
  • It's great to have the freedom to enjoy your work and not feel like you're leaving your other life behind.
    - Anna Paquin
  • I'm drawn to doing interesting stuff at work. And some of the time with the supernatural, you get to do really crazy, fun things. But I'm not a big genre-fantasy gal, particularly.
    - Anna Paquin
  • I was never overexposed and work never became a chore. I was a very good girl wanting to do a good job.
    - Anna Paquin
  • Everyone is usually screwed up in some way and that is usually where the work comes in - figuring out how to make it believable and make it real to present someone's problems that you don't necessarily actually know anything about.
    - Anna Paquin
  • I work out like a maniac and I spray tan a lot. Genetics were kind, but I work very hard.
    - Anna Paquin