Best quotes by Anna Lindh on Security

Checkout quotes by Anna Lindh on Security

  • One of the gaps in our international development efforts is the provision of global public goods - that is, goods or conditions we need that no individual or country can secure on their own, such as halting global warming, financial stability and peace and security.
    - Anna Lindh
  • Poverty must be reduced not only for reasons of moral and justice, but also of security.
    - Anna Lindh
  • We need a reform of the Security Council. It must be perceived as truly representative by all the 191 member states, to uphold the credibility and legitimacy of the UN as the main political arena.
    - Anna Lindh
  • We need new partnerships for peace and security.
    - Anna Lindh
  • We need the UN, to deal with the threats to our common security from nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, not only in the case of Iraq. They must be tackled by the international community together, by strengthening conventions, treaties and agreements.
    - Anna Lindh