Best quotes by Ann Bancroft on Me

Checkout quotes by Ann Bancroft on Me

  • I'm lucky I had some teachers who saw something in me.
    - Ann Bancroft
  • I wanted to be a teacher, but I was a lousy student, one of the slowest readers. It was a tremendous struggle. But I'm lucky I had some teachers who saw something in me.
    - Ann Bancroft
  • I get stubborn and dig in when people tell me I can't do something and I think I can. It goes back to my childhood when I had problems in school because I have a learning disability.
    - Ann Bancroft
  • For me, the greatest obstacles are never on the ice itself. That's the area I excel in. That's where my passion is. I think we all strive to push ourselves, to overcome our struggles. And when we do, we get to know ourselves better.
    - Ann Bancroft
  • My brother Bill, who is a year older, is a climber, and when I was in the seventh grade, he taught me how to rappel off the frozen waterfall in our backyard.
    - Ann Bancroft
  • I give a tremendous amount of weight to the mental aspect of physical activity and what it does for me.
    - Ann Bancroft