Best quotes by Andrew Ridgeley on Me

Checkout quotes by Andrew Ridgeley on Me

  • It's very difficult to put it into words or really put your finger on exactly what it was that people found so attractive about Wham! But it was a lot to do with George and me and our friendship.
    - Andrew Ridgeley
  • Nothing had prepared me for the depth of pain George's death precipitated.
    - Andrew Ridgeley
  • It goes without saying that when it came to musical talent, George was in a completely different league to me - as he was to most people!
    - Andrew Ridgeley
  • I had posted a note on my bedroom door for my mum to 'wake me up-up before you go-go' - and that gave George the idea for the song.
    - Andrew Ridgeley
  • Certainly that's what I like in a lot of the music that I listen to, kind of a sexual energy. Guitars and rock get it across best for me.
    - Andrew Ridgeley