Best quotes by Andrew Lansley on People

Checkout quotes by Andrew Lansley on People

  • We must not constantly talk about tackling obesity and warning people about the negative consequences of obesity. Instead we must be positive - positive about the fun and benefits to be had from healthy living, trying to get rid of people's excuses for being obese by tackling the issue in a positive way.
    - Andrew Lansley
  • I have spent too long with too many people who have lost loved ones to healthcare-associated infections not to be determined to act on this. There is no tolerable level of preventable infections. The only acceptable strategy is a zero-tolerance strategy.
    - Andrew Lansley
  • Tell people that biology and the environment cause obesity and they are offered the one thing we have to avoid: an excuse. As it is, people who see more fat people around them may themselves be more likely to gain weight.
    - Andrew Lansley
  • The NHS should be proactively using substantial resources across government to intervene and try to deliver positive improvements in people's standards of living.
    - Andrew Lansley
  • I'm not going to go mystery shopping in the NHS because we have a million people every day using it and rating its facilities.
    - Andrew Lansley
  • You can't simply slash the sugar in food; otherwise, people simply won't accept it.
    - Andrew Lansley