Best quotes by Martin Parr on People

Checkout quotes by Martin Parr on People

  • Places change all the time, and the type of people who live there change.
    - Martin Parr
  • Of course, New Brighton is very shabby, very rundown, but people still go there because it's the place where you take kids out on a Sunday.
    - Martin Parr
  • When I am in London, all I do is mix with other people in the arts.
    - Martin Parr
  • Margaret Thatcher was very good for the arts in so far as it gave people a real focus for something to be against.
    - Martin Parr
  • Wealthy people have not disappeared, they are just not so willing to show off their wealth.
    - Martin Parr
  • I photograph people as I find them. But people have issues about how they look.
    - Martin Parr
  • I love curating, because I'm lucky and privileged that I have a platform and I can share my discoveries with other people.
    - Martin Parr
  • I have been photographing people dancing for 20 or 30 years now, and I think I will eventually do a book of dancing photos.
    - Martin Parr
  • Most of the photographs people take with their cameraphones are of little value in terms of documentary.
    - Martin Parr