Best quotes by Alfred de Vigny on Man

Checkout quotes by Alfred de Vigny on Man

  • On the day when man told the story of his life to man, history was born.
    - Alfred de Vigny
  • France, for example, loves at the same time history and the drama, because the one explores the vast destinies of humanity, and the other the individual lot of man.
    - Alfred de Vigny
  • From this, without doubt, sprang the fable. Man created it thus, because it was not given him to see more than himself and nature, which surrounds him; but he created it true with a truth all its own.
    - Alfred de Vigny
  • I think, then, that man, after having satisfied his first longing for facts, wanted something fuller - some grouping, some adaptation to his capacity and experience, of the links of this vast chain of events which his sight could not take in.
    - Alfred de Vigny
  • The acts of the human race on the world's stage have doubtless a coherent unity, but the meaning of the vast tragedy enacted will be visible only to the eye of God, until the end, which will reveal it perhaps to the last man.
    - Alfred de Vigny