Best quotes by Alexandra Daddario on Life

Checkout quotes by Alexandra Daddario on Life

  • I'm a huge fan of Steve Martin. He's hilarious, but he has this depth to him and this way of dealing with the difficult things in life with a sense of humor that I think has helped me as an actress.
    - Alexandra Daddario
  • When I first got here, I thought L.A. sucked. I hated it. I had this pretentious Manhattan thing. But now I've made such a life here, and I'm so happy here. They're just really different places. I can't really compare them because there's great things about both of them.
    - Alexandra Daddario
  • To be an actress and act crazy is really fun for me, to be able to be acting like you'd never be able to act in your real life and scream and freak out. It's an interesting test for an actor.
    - Alexandra Daddario
  • When I was first starting out as a kid, I tried to pad my resume with everything I had ever done - ice-skate, carry a tune. I can't dance for my life, but I can learn, so I'll tell people I can dance. I play the piano - I'm a really good pianist, actually.
    - Alexandra Daddario
  • It made me feel cooler in real life to know I could be The Rock's daughter.
    - Alexandra Daddario