Best quotes by Alan Ball on Culture

Checkout quotes by Alan Ball on Culture

  • I think it's very difficult, and it requires a tremendous amount of spiritual integrity and discipline, to not be a narcissist in a culture that encourages it every step of the way.
    - Alan Ball
  • It's hard for me to get interested in stories that ignore death, which is what American marketing culture would like to do: pretend that death doesn't exist, that you can buy immortality; just buy these products, and you'll be forever young and happy.
    - Alan Ball
  • There is a fetishization of victimization in our culture. And I just am not interested in victimhood.
    - Alan Ball
  • We live in a patriarchal culture. It's okay for women to be objectified but not for men.
    - Alan Ball
  • I am so spoiled. I cannot watch a show where it gets interrupted for ads. I have to TiVo it and skip through the ads, because the culture of advertising is so false and phony that I just... ugh, you know?
    - Alan Ball
  • Life is infinitely complex, and I feel like we live in a culture that really seems to want to simplify it into sound bites and bromides, and that does not work.
    - Alan Ball