Best quotes by Agnes Obel on Music

Checkout quotes by Agnes Obel on Music

  • I'm very happy that I got introduced to music only as something you got pleasure from.
    - Agnes Obel
  • Feelings such as loneliness, longing or love are sometimes hard to put into words; maybe that's why we all love music, because it resonates with something we can't share.
    - Agnes Obel
  • The orchestral or symphonic music never interested me.
    - Agnes Obel
  • My parents were very relaxed about music.
    - Agnes Obel
  • I really believe it's not bad to look back within music. I don't mean retro, but using your own memories to make a song because our memories are what make us who we are.
    - Agnes Obel
  • Even though music is something I travel around doing, it is also a very private thing. A sort of escapism.
    - Agnes Obel
  • I learned that music should be fun and should be a way to express yourself - that there aren't really any rules.
    - Agnes Obel
  • When I started working on my own music, I didn't have the chance to record in a big music studio, so I had to record everything myself.
    - Agnes Obel
  • I love the conversation between film and music.
    - Agnes Obel