Best quotes by William T. Vollmann on Life

Checkout quotes by William T. Vollmann on Life

  • So much of the destruction on Earth has been wrought by men. Women are the ones who give life and try to pick up the pieces... What a great gender they are.
    - William T. Vollmann
  • Really what it gets down to is that my idea of the American life, the American dream, whatever, is that I can do what I wish in the privacy of my own home. And as long as I'm not hurting anyone, no one has a right to know what I do. The main thing that I have to hide is that I don't have anything to hide.
    - William T. Vollmann
  • Everybody is an expert on one thing - that's what I learned in my high school journalism class - and that's, of course, his own life. And everybody deserves to live and have his story told. And if it doesn't seem like an interesting story, then that's the failure of the listener, or the journalist who retells it badly.
    - William T. Vollmann
  • I read and write for most of the day, but I do let myself be interrupted by real life. I enjoy going out with friends and try not to take myself too seriously.
    - William T. Vollmann
  • I don't believe in a personal god. It's good to give thanks, whether or not there's a god. There's no reason not to live life to the fullest. Morality is all the more important for people who don't expect to get a piece of celestial candy after they die.
    - William T. Vollmann
  • If I didn't feel that I was doing something or trying to do something for others, then I would have very little excuse for the life that I lead.
    - William T. Vollmann