Best quotes by Trombone Shorty on Me

Checkout quotes by Trombone Shorty on Me

  • There's a lot of music at my fingertips that I can be influenced by. And just because I play a horn, I don't need to sound, or try to capture, what was happening before me. I can just respect it and learn from it.
    - Trombone Shorty
  • I had a lot of older musicians looking out for me, teaching me, and showing me things when they saw how interested I was in music from a young age. They would take me to the side and just play some things in my ear, and I would try to play it back to them.
    - Trombone Shorty
  • Everything is a learning experience for me.
    - Trombone Shorty
  • Life would be pretty boring if I didn't explore. It's about letting my ears take me on an adventure to soak in everything I can.
    - Trombone Shorty
  • I've had a strong will power to become one of the best. And I'm not gonna let nothing stop me from going to my dream.
    - Trombone Shorty