Best quotes by Trace Lysette on People

Checkout quotes by Trace Lysette on People

  • I think it's really important to understand that every trans story is not the same, and we are as varied as any other group of people.
    - Trace Lysette
  • How often do we get to see trans people interacting with each other onscreen? We have friends. Hello? We're people. We're not just this isolated unit all the time. I would like to see us carry a project.
    - Trace Lysette
  • I think that a lot of times people don't understand the bravery that's involved with the Me Too movement.
    - Trace Lysette
  • Trans women, and women in general, have so many constraints placed on our bodies. As women, we are told not to show our bodies, and as trans people, we've been told not to exist.
    - Trace Lysette
  • Trans folk are so often pushed to the margins and not afforded the resources and opportunities that some nontrans people are.
    - Trace Lysette
  • Growing up, I never saw images of trans people succeeding.
    - Trace Lysette