Best quotes by Terence Tao on Me

Checkout quotes by Terence Tao on Me

  • If I don't understand something properly, every single component, it really bugs me.
    - Terence Tao
  • If there is something that I should know how to do but don't, it bugs me. I feel like I have to sit down and work out exactly what the problem is.
    - Terence Tao
  • When I was seven or eight, whenever I was getting too rowdy at night, my parents would give me a maths workbook to work on to quieten me down.
    - Terence Tao
  • What interests me is the connection between maths and the real world.
    - Terence Tao
  • For me, I guess the main motivation is the satisfaction of finally understanding some tricky mathematical concept or phenomenon and then explaining it to others.
    - Terence Tao