Best quotes by Ted Yoho on Me

Checkout quotes by Ted Yoho on Me

  • If that was good enough for George Washington, it's good enough for me.
    - Ted Yoho
  • I don't work for Donald Trump. I work with him. I work for the people who sent me up here. He ran on repealing and replacing Obamacare. Those people that put him and me in office expect us to repeal and replace Obamacare.
    - Ted Yoho
  • If I were the president, I would tape everything that is said around me and what I said, because we know how sometimes things get misconstrued.
    - Ted Yoho
  • President Trump can't vote for me. The people that sent me up here sent me up here to repeal and replace, 100 percent, the Affordable Care Act.
    - Ted Yoho
  • With all the problems we are having, I won't be afraid to tell leadership, 'You need to explain to me why I should follow you anywhere.'
    - Ted Yoho
  • If you step out and do what you feel is right... and you're not attacking a person, and you're attacking a process, and you're attacking the status quo... and if somebody wants to hold a grudge against me, that's on them. It's not on me, and I'm going to do what I think is right.
    - Ted Yoho