Best quotes by Ted Waitt on Business

Checkout quotes by Ted Waitt on Business

  • If all we wanted to do was to make money on PC hardware, that wouldn't be a good business model.
    - Ted Waitt
  • The entertainment industry always chooses to fight things out through the courts and legislation. Technology people always think there's a business solution.
    - Ted Waitt
  • You know, growing up in the cattle business, I know a lot about cattle.
    - Ted Waitt
  • The PC is an important part of our business and will continue to be for a long, long time.
    - Ted Waitt
  • We have to have a successful box business if we are going to go beyond the box.
    - Ted Waitt
  • From our perspective, there's been a price war in the PC industry since we opened for business in 1985.
    - Ted Waitt
  • For any business that has an indirect model to move into the direct business is very difficult and very challenging.
    - Ted Waitt
  • You can get business with price, but you have to have service to keep it.
    - Ted Waitt
  • To me, the consumer-electronics business feels a lot like the PC business in the late 1980s. It's an inefficient market.
    - Ted Waitt
  • The PC business is not about price, it's about value, or what you can give the customer for his or her money.
    - Ted Waitt