Best quotes by Susanna Fogel on Women

Checkout quotes by Susanna Fogel on Women

  • Culturally, as women, we're raised to be very concerned with others' approval in a way that men aren't, but an inevitable part of directing and being visionary is that you have to be a boss, and as such, not everyone is going to like you all the time or agree with your choices.
    - Susanna Fogel
  • I hope that women know that they can and should try everything they're interested in - with the confidence that men have had.
    - Susanna Fogel
  • Men starting out have so many options of filmmakers to connect with artistically and be shepherded by and collaborate with. I just didn't have an older, more experienced me to help me. So I hope all the women making movies now are aware we have the opportunity to be that to new filmmakers.
    - Susanna Fogel
  • As women, I think we're used to looking around to see what people think about this, who's approving of us, who's criticizing us, and whether we have to internalize their thoughts on us.
    - Susanna Fogel
  • Economics drive the creative, and for a long time, movies about men were just considered 'movies,' whereas movies about women were considered niche and only appealing to women. This is to an extent still true, and what it does is represent movies about women as less profitable.
    - Susanna Fogel
  • You can have a lot of destruction, but in a realistic female movie, the women are going to be aware of that destruction and apologizing for it.
    - Susanna Fogel
  • We're so used to seeing women in movies about a romance where they don't seem to have any inner fortitude. They're completely defined by their relationships, and it's hard to engage with those characters and relate to them.
    - Susanna Fogel
  • I try to write from a place of writing what I know, and what I know is interesting and appropriate women with edgy senses of humor. They're not soft people, so why are all the movies about women soft? My friends are all blazing their own paths. Some are married with kids, but a lot of them aren't. Some of them don't want that life.
    - Susanna Fogel