Best quotes by Susan Wojcicki on People

Checkout quotes by Susan Wojcicki on People

  • I love taking an idea... to a prototype and then to a product that millions of people use.
    - Susan Wojcicki
  • The reason I like my job is that I have this desire to create. I have this desire to create things and build things, and Google has enabled me to build and create things and to build products that are used by people all over the globe.
    - Susan Wojcicki
  • The great thing about the Internet is you can launch a product, and within just a few hours, people will tell you what they think about it.
    - Susan Wojcicki
  • People don't understand the logistics of advertising. To have the ads purchased and run, you need to have a series of products that work together.
    - Susan Wojcicki
  • There are lots of people in the Silicon Valley who are interested in working at a fast-moving, dynamic company like Google. Not just my family members.
    - Susan Wojcicki
  • People used to say that advertising wasn't in Google's DNA, and that's obviously not true anymore. They used to say that display advertising isn't in Google's DNA, and that's not true any more.
    - Susan Wojcicki
  • Google is a consumer brand and people need to be comfortable. If we were just an advertising brand we wouldn't have the same concerns. We've always tried to promote transparency and choice among our users.
    - Susan Wojcicki
  • Even though it was a start-up with fewer than 20 people, and I was pregnant with my first child, the best decision I've ever made was to join Google in 1999. Worst decision? Deciding to get a puppy and a bunny right when the baby came.
    - Susan Wojcicki
  • People don't understand the logistics of advertising.
    - Susan Wojcicki
  • I have this desire to create things and build things, and Google has enabled me to build and create things and to build products that are used by people all over the globe.
    - Susan Wojcicki
  • People at different stages of their lives are doing different things, and they're all using Google.
    - Susan Wojcicki
  • Even in a culture where people are well meaning, there are sometimes 'microaggressions.' People who will just cut you off. You'll be talking, and someone will interrupt you. That's become a big pet peeve of mine.
    - Susan Wojcicki