Best quotes by Steven Price on Music

Checkout quotes by Steven Price on Music

  • With a lot of action scores, you're competing with a lot of noise. Say there's a big explosion: the music would conventionally have a lot of Hollywood-style percussion or brass, because that's the only thing that will cut through.
    - Steven Price
  • In the mid-2000s, I kind of accidentally became a music editor.
    - Steven Price
  • A lot of the music editing job is communication and working out what a director really wants the music to be.
    - Steven Price
  • My house was full of music. My main memories are of the record player at home: it was all Beatles and Rolling Stones, and we danced around the living room; that started me off on instruments, and I've done nothing else ever since.
    - Steven Price
  • The realisation that, depending on where we changed from one note to the next in a melodic line, the music could subtly influence the entire meaning of a scene in so many ways was like a door opening to this amazing new world for me.
    - Steven Price
  • For me, anything can be music! I can get huge enjoyment and be moved totally by the purity and perfection of some Renaissance polyphony, but equally I can feel emotion in the expectant hum of a big old guitar amp just before the strings are hit.
    - Steven Price
  • Every one of us has a response of some kind to music, so I don't think it's fair to ever judge what is proper and what's not.
    - Steven Price
  • The great composers I worked with along the way, I always felt they were filmmakers more than composers. They would talk about the story rather than the music.
    - Steven Price