Best quotes by Stefflon Don on Music

Checkout quotes by Stefflon Don on Music

  • My Britishness waters my music down!
    - Stefflon Don
  • My goal is just to be real and bring people good music and let them enjoy the music that I bring.
    - Stefflon Don
  • Travelling, in general, opens your mind to so many different cultures and different ways of thinking and different ways of seeing stuff. I definitely feel like it has an influence on my music to be a bit more broader and a bit more open.
    - Stefflon Don
  • Growing up, I was definitely surrounded by music all the time. My parents used to always play music; my dad used to have reggae on. I remember walking around with a cassette recorder, and I used to just record the songs I would hear on the radio so I could play it back when I feel like.
    - Stefflon Don
  • The rule I stand by as an artist is definitely be yourself, and don't make music just for other people: make it for you first.
    - Stefflon Don