Best quotes by Sheldon Whitehouse on Stand

Checkout quotes by Sheldon Whitehouse on Stand

  • When you don't have accountability, there's no limit to the things that people will say. One of the restraints on the vitriol and the filth that so often is part of the American political debate is that candidates have to stand by their ads.
    - Sheldon Whitehouse
  • I think that it's very, very hard for the NRA to continue to defend the position that people who are on the terrorist watch list should be allowed to buy firearms in this country. That's their position. I don't know how they stand by it.
    - Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Democrats need to stand strong against any efforts to cut benefits to Social Security and Medicare.
    - Sheldon Whitehouse
  • As a co-founder of the Defend Social Security Caucus in the Senate, you can count on me to continue to stand up for our seniors and fight any back door efforts to cut benefits.
    - Sheldon Whitehouse
  • If the American people make their voices heard and put enough pressure on Congress, we can restore fairness in our economic system, do what's right for the middle class, and show that Congress can stand up to special interests.
    - Sheldon Whitehouse