Best quotes by Shannon Lee on Life

Checkout quotes by Shannon Lee on Life

  • I always thought that a film about how my father's life was shaped in his early years in Hong Kong would be a worthwhile story to share so we could better understand him as a human being and a warrior.
    - Shannon Lee
  • My father was up against so many different types of resistance. His whole life was an interplay of East and West. He was born in San Francisco and raised in Hong Kong, which was under British rule then.
    - Shannon Lee
  • I've dedicated a lot of my life to running the Bruce Lee businesses and continuing his legacy. Some people say I'm doing that to make money or to emulate him. That couldn't be further from the truth; I do it because I'm inspired by his message.
    - Shannon Lee
  • I think, when people hear the word 'philosophy,' they think of Plato and a bunch of people sitting around in their robes pontificating about life and how it should be. But really, somebody who is an active philosopher should not only be thinking of these things but putting them into practice.
    - Shannon Lee
  • One of the interesting things about my father was that what you see on-camera is a lot of what he was like in real life.
    - Shannon Lee
  • We preserve the legacy of my father through an education approach. We award scholarships. We do classes at schools about my father's philosophy and life.
    - Shannon Lee