Best quotes by Shane Black on Movies

Checkout quotes by Shane Black on Movies

  • For me, the stamp that I impose on stuff comes from the fact that in the '80s, when I was starting to write movies, I looked back to the '70s. So the films I enjoyed as a kid were the thrillers that came out of the '70s. Back then, you didn't have action movies; you had adventure films or thrillers.
    - Shane Black
  • I always have humour in my action movies. I think characters that make jokes under fire are more real. It somehow helps put you in their shoes.
    - Shane Black
  • I hate 'The Professional.' It's one of the worst action/adventure movies ever made.
    - Shane Black
  • I'll say, what makes me happy about making movies is, every once in a while through movies we find a kind of honesty. There's an honesty in fiction that's as effective or even more powerful than the honesty of our lives. We can find something that's genuinely true, like a chemistry between people or a statement that speaks to an audience.
    - Shane Black
  • I try to make all the action in my movies subjective: to give a sense of what it would feel like to actually be a part of it.
    - Shane Black
  • If someone fires a gun in a movie, it should always be a big deal. I don't like movies where someone shoots at someone else but they just run away and manage to dodge the bullet. Or people are all firing at each other continuously for 10 minutes.
    - Shane Black
  • I think, in big-budget movies where everything seems so poured over and restricted and the studio wants to examine every frame to make sure it's vetted properly, you lose a little bit of playfulness.
    - Shane Black
  • I just want to write movies. And I try very hard.
    - Shane Black
  • One of my favorite L.A. movies is 'Ed Wood,' and it's about how Bela Lugosi went from being this movie star personality to living in a little bungalow with his cats in the valley where, if you walked by, you'd have no idea. He'd come out and get his paper, and you'd go, 'That guy looks familiar.'
    - Shane Black