Best quotes by Shakuntala Devi on Mathematics

Checkout quotes by Shakuntala Devi on Mathematics

  • Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.
    - Shakuntala Devi
  • What is mathematics? It is only a systematic effort of solving puzzles posed by nature.
    - Shakuntala Devi
  • I was performing at a New Jersey high school, and I asked a class of 2,000 students, 'How many of you love mathematics?' and only one hand went up. And that was the hand of the maths teacher!
    - Shakuntala Devi
  • Why do children dread mathematics? Because of the wrong approach. Because it is looked at as a subject.
    - Shakuntala Devi
  • I travelled round the world giving demonstrations of my talents. In every country, I performed for students, professors, teachers, bankers, accountants, and even laymen who knew very little, or nothing at all, about mathematics.
    - Shakuntala Devi
  • I haven't had any formal education. Through the grace of god, I am gifted in mathematics and the English language.
    - Shakuntala Devi
  • I have written a book called 'In the Wonderland of Numbers.' It's about a young girl, Neha, who is very poor in mathematics, but in a series of illusory experiences, she becomes a great mathematician.
    - Shakuntala Devi
  • I have been running maths clubs for children completely free. In my building in Bangalore, I conduct maths clubs for several months, and every child who attended the club was poor in mathematics and is now showing brilliant results.
    - Shakuntala Devi