Best quotes by Seymour Cassel on Work

Checkout quotes by Seymour Cassel on Work

  • It doesn't matter how beautifully a film is photographed. The acting tells your story. It's what people relate to. If you don't believe the characters, it doesn't work.
    - Seymour Cassel
  • Many people came out and said, 'Boy I'd love to make a film that way.' Well, borrow some money, get some people together - you can get people to work for nothing, just treat them right, treat them as human beings, not stars, give them all an equal share, make them feel a part of what they're doing. There's no big secret to it.
    - Seymour Cassel
  • I wait for something good or something that will be fun. But they've got to pay me if they want me to work.
    - Seymour Cassel
  • The people who know my work like my work. And that's great.
    - Seymour Cassel
  • The whole idea of a festival to me is that filmmakers get to interact. You see someone strolling, you get to meet them and tell them you like their work, you admire their story.
    - Seymour Cassel
  • I've had people ask me to come and work for them. I went to Vienna and did three scenes in a movie for a guy that I met at a retrospective of Cassavetes films. It's a great way to travel, to meet people, to see different countries and cultures.
    - Seymour Cassel