Best quotes by Sarah McBride on Life

Checkout quotes by Sarah McBride on Life

  • A life in pursuit of position or power is not a life well-lived or in service to others.
    - Sarah McBride
  • For some, the fear of coming out is so great, they can continue to live an inauthentic life. But at a certain point, the pain becomes too much to bear. For me, having one more day pass by where I wasn't living my true self seemed like such a wasted opportunity, such a wasted life.
    - Sarah McBride
  • For my entire life, I've wrestled with my gender identity.
    - Sarah McBride
  • Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Jeff Sessions are using their powers and offices to make life as difficult as possible for everyone from the transgender worker to the gay widower to the queer undocumented immigrant. These efforts are not about bathrooms or religious freedom; they're about driving LGBTQ people out of public life.
    - Sarah McBride
  • My gratitude is great to my family and friends for accepting me as the person who they now know me to be and for letting me show them the possibilities of a life well lived.
    - Sarah McBride
  • Transgender people, especially transgender women of color, face pervasive discrimination throughout life, including by those sworn to protect us.
    - Sarah McBride