Best quotes by Sara Zarr on Me

Checkout quotes by Sara Zarr on Me

  • I wouldn't say I'm stuck in my adolescence, but I think, like a lot of people, I carry my teen years with me. I feel really in touch with those feelings, and how intense and complicated life seems in those years.
    - Sara Zarr
  • The one reader I'm trying to please as I write is me, and I'm pretty difficult to please.
    - Sara Zarr
  • It's hard to say when my interest in writing began, or how. My mother read to my sister and me every night, and we always loved playing make-believe games. I had a well-primed imagination. I didn't start thinking about writing as a serious pursuit, a career I could have, until after college.
    - Sara Zarr
  • I'm so focused on trying to craft the story that I'm in my own little world with it and that process. The one reader I'm trying to please as I write is me, and I'm pretty difficult to please.
    - Sara Zarr
  • The characters are whole, real people to me that I'm getting to know, and since real people are all flawed, so are my characters, I hope.
    - Sara Zarr
  • When my characters are questioning things, it's not me leading up to an answer; it's me asking those same questions and letting the characters' lives unfold and seeing where it takes them.
    - Sara Zarr