Best quotes by Sage Northcutt on Time

Checkout quotes by Sage Northcutt on Time

  • What I love the most about being a pro fighter is meeting the people. You get to meet all the fans and new friends that you get to meet up with all the time.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • The UFC offered me a fight against one of the Top-10 fighters named Demian Maia. I believe he was, like, No. 2 at the time. They obviously believed in me to think that I could face one of the best guys in the division.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • It can be kind of difficult because of the workload I have at Texas A&M, so I have to find time to study as I pursue my major, but also to travel and compete and train hard for my fights to come in the UFC.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • I might take a little time off from school to train. I'd be a totally different animal if I trained full time.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • I started working out and doing martial arts when I was about 4 years old, and I was competing by the time I was five or six. So my mom and dad had me doing push-ups and sit-ups from a very young age.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • By the time I was 4 or 5, I was doing 250 push-ups and sit-ups a day. When I was 6, we bumped it up to about 500 push-ups and sit-ups a day. Some days it could even be 750 or 1,000.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • A lot of people have a lot of things going on in their life. You'll be walking past ten people in the middle of the day and not even notice, but someone might have a family member that died, or someone might be going through a hard time. Sometimes you're the only person that someone might see that lifts them up.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • I know people want to get out there, and they're all tattooed up, and they're all serious and stuff and ready to fight. I'm ready to fight, but I still have a smile on my face at the same time.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • The UFC expects you to perform at your very best. If you're barely training, if you're spending the majority of your time on school, it's impossible to be at your best.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • I'm getting to put all my time and effort into studying my martial arts and to be the best fighter I can be.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • Having full-time classes, it doesn't really work out because there's so much workload and so much studying that you really don't have time to train. I'd stay up until two or three in the morning just studying, and then I'd have to go get a few miles running, work out at the gym super late, and try to get my working out in late at night.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • I wanted to study to be a petroleum engineer and get my engineering degree and fight in the UFC at the same time. But unfortunately, to be the best I can be at the UFC, I needed all focus to be there, and more focus, also.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • I believe coming in early to the UFC gives me an advantage. More time to learn, more time to be in the UFC and get better as a fighter.
    - Sage Northcutt
  • I'm taking it one fight at a time. But I always see myself being victorious.
    - Sage Northcutt