Best quotes by Ronna McDaniel on Republican

Checkout quotes by Ronna McDaniel on Republican

  • The Democratic Party has become the party of the coastal elite, and the Republican Party is the party of the working class and that average American citizen who's been struggling over the past eight years with Obama in the White House.
    - Ronna McDaniel
  • I'm a Republican; I'd say I'm a conservative Republican. My job as RNC chair is to elect Republicans all across this country.
    - Ronna McDaniel
  • That's something I believe in as the Republican chair - that we have to continue outreach to every American because I firmly believe our policies and our principles and the way we govern is better for every American.
    - Ronna McDaniel
  • They said a Republican could never win Michigan. I knew better, you knew better, and Donald Trump knew better. We all know - never underestimate Michigan.
    - Ronna McDaniel
  • Donald Trump is a champion of women. He recognizes that we add to the conversation, and that certainly something as Republican Party chair I'm going to be reaching out to women all across this country.
    - Ronna McDaniel
  • For a period of time, my grandmother, Lenore Romney, and my mother, Ronna Romney, were the only two women in the Republican Party to ever secure the nomination for Senate. And they were leaders. They were pioneers in our party.
    - Ronna McDaniel
  • The Republican party is not the party for the wealthy. We care about everyone.
    - Ronna McDaniel