Best quotes by Rodney Brooks on People

Checkout quotes by Rodney Brooks on People

  • Two big questions that people ask me are: if we make these robots more and more human-like, will we accept them - will they need rights eventually? And the other question people ask me is, will they want to take over?
    - Rodney Brooks
  • Are those 'terrible' machines really putting those people out of work? Or are they getting rid of a really dull job that we shouldn't be torturing people with?
    - Rodney Brooks
  • People don't say, 'I just had a kid and I hope it turns out to be a factory worker.'
    - Rodney Brooks
  • Computers sort of came around through games and toys. And you know, the first computer most people had in the house may have been a computer to play 'Pong,' a little microprocessor embedded, and then other games that came after that.
    - Rodney Brooks
  • If you want a machine to be able to interact with people, it better not do things that are surprising to people.
    - Rodney Brooks