Best quotes by Robert Harris on World

Checkout quotes by Robert Harris on World

  • The financial world is at the cutting edge of high technology.
    - Robert Harris
  • One cannot see any world leader who has got a grip on the financial markets these days. They're too big, too fast. I think that's quite scary.
    - Robert Harris
  • My parents were interested in history and the world. My father read Graham Greene and Georges Simenon and was a strong trade unionist and Labour supporter.
    - Robert Harris
  • To tell a good story and to illuminate the world: the two things are completely linked. That is the point. That is what I've always wanted to do.
    - Robert Harris
  • Humans have changed little over time. We think we've invented the modern world but they were making better speeches 2,000 years ago and grappling with issues of empire and terrorism.
    - Robert Harris
  • The financial markets tend to be just a backdrop for a novel, for a heist or something that isn't necessarily integral to it. On the whole, I don't think the financial world has been well served by novels.
    - Robert Harris